Here are four questions that matter to most leaders in the real estate industry right now. Thanks to everyone for your interest and positive feedback about EMMS or Effective MLS Market Solutions.   The program is designed to help Association and MLS Execs and leadership answer 4 questions that matter:

1.  How can we reduce our operating expenses by working together?

2.  How well do our current services meet our customers’ business needs?

3.  How do our services compare with others in our market and across the country?

4.  What should we do to help our brokers and agents keep up with consumer demands and remain relevant?

And the most important question:

What is keeping you from answering these 4 questions?

The most frequent responses include:  not enough time, the politics,  our market is unique, the cost of the assessment, we don’t have overlapping market disorder, too many other priorities right now and our neighboring Associations / MLSs don’t want to work together.

A better answer to the last question might be  “a thorough and objective assessment of our market”. That’s precisely what the Effective MLS Market Solution program (EMMS) was created to do. What could be more important than answering these questions right now?  Ask your leadership or your brokers what they think and let us know since we are very interested in your input at this time.

It’s time for a fresh new approach to support the efforts of progressive MLSs’ that seek out the best ways to help their MLS customers serve consumers more effectively.

With EMMS, you will know:

–  The opportunities for improved service and decreased costs by working together

–  What your brokers value

–  Governance and technology solutions that closely align with your brokers’ business needs

–  A plan outline for how to proceed, if you choose to

If you are interested in learning more about participation requirements,  contact Brian Larson at  (612) 424-8661 or Kevin McQueen at  (248) 374-1045.  NAR is sponsoring our professional fees and all you pay for is a portion of the travel costs. There are a limited number of programs available.

Kevin will be in Quebec City for AEI this weekend if you would like to discuss this in person one on one or with some of your neighboring Association / MLS Execs.  Call (248) 374-1045 to schedule some time to talk and answer your questions.

Here is the EMMS 2-page overview for a quick read

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