For the past few months, I have been mostly quiet about my ideas and vision for the future of our industry.  I realized sometime last year that the “noise level” has been getting louder and louder so I intentionally  stepped away from these distractions to really listen and learn from what I was hearing. I have a lot to share about what I learned while avoiding the distractions and based on my work with 100 organizations over the year. I have a lot to say about your future and the future of the real estate and MLS industry in general.

In May, I stepped away to to spend some time in Europe with my family (talk about really getting away from the the noise) and missed the NAR Mid-year meeting this year. At first I was worried about what I might miss. This has only happened a few times for me over the past 29 years. However, as you might guess, it seems that I mostly missed out on a lot more noise. I DID  miss seeing all of my amazing friends and colleagues at the event, but as a result of my decisions, I am now much more open to see the true opportunities and possibilities for your future. I am much more present when serving others, all based on my conscious decision to look ahead and not get distracted by all of the noise.

You know what I’m talking about here, right?  What I KNOW is that consumers don’t care about most of the in-the-industry issues and noise that are consuming so much of your energy – the good people in our industry. Consumers don’t care if the REALTOR(r) brand succeeds or fails. They don’t care about the struggles that many associations and MLSs are facing to balance budgets and overcome problems that step from old structure and governance. I know consumers will carry the day and get what they ultimately want.

So I will be writing a lot more from now on.

My mission is to co-create the future of the industry with a few good leaders like many of you. Maintaining and improving upon status quo just doesn’t cut it. A bold new vision for the industry is emerging and now is the right time to make it happen resulting in making a much bigger difference in the world of real estate. It’s time for some to shine brightly in the light of success rather than struggle to simply survive. Now is the time and I am working with leaders who really get this.

iSpaceships.  I just love watching leaders present and enroll others into their vision for the future. Regardless of what you think of Apple and Steve Jobs, you might want to check out this 11 minute video. Jobs is presenting his vision for the future of Apple’s new facility (iSpaceship) to the City Council in Cupertino, CA. Watch closely and notice how he does it. He completely understands his audience and is laser-focused on his message.  He is crystal clear on what’s in it for others (his audience here – the City Counsel). He is not arrogant  (which he can be ). I felt that he totally nailed his message and responses to questions from City Council members.

So with all of the noise around many of you,  it is clearly time to change the channel and start listening to other ones. I know that it’s hard, but you can make your own conscious decision to do it, just like I did.

My vision is to craft new and different ways of doing business that result in incredible value and service.

I will have a lot more to say about this, your future and the future of our industry.  My mission is to co-create the future of the real estate business with a few good leaders.  Can you relate?

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