My good friend Judith Lindenau recently completed a 3-month stint as the Interim Association Executive. She did an exception job of explaining the value in her first two posts. And there are four more coming!  Judith makes it easy to understand the benefits to everyone involved.  I know first-hand how difficult it is for the person who moves their life to another city for 3-6 months of intense work like this.

The value and benefits to the leadership are amazing.  Just ask the volunteer board officers who try to “run the association” and the MLS for 3-6 months.

Judith Lindenau

They say, “nothing good happens during transitions like this – only bad things”.  However, Judith’s solution turns that around — MANY good things happened during this transition.

In my experience, a new AE or CEO spends about 2-6 months just learning and getting through the honeymoon period.  During that time of transition, real progress is generally quite slow and the staff have concerns about their future.  Put simply, this is not the most progressive or productive approach.

An Interim Executive is the perfect solution.  There will be dozens (or many even hundreds) of such opportunities over the next few years.  The value that “Interim’s” bring to the client is … priceless. Contact Judith or me to learn more about how we can serve you.

I look forward to Judith’s next post.



Keep up the good work my friend. There is a lot of serving to be done and you are very good at it.

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