30 leading REALTOR associations in South Carolina and Indiana are working together to identify new ways for reducing operating costs, balancing budgets and becoming indispensable to their members. This group represents a “cooperative” of 28,000 REALTORs (95%) across two entire states.

REALTOR association execs and board members are well aware of the “value crisis” that is brewing. Membership is declining and so is income. Technology is moving faster than most association decision-making and the data, which used to be exclusive to the local MLS, is now virtually everywhere.  Many associations have already reduced their operating budgets by 30 – 50% over the past 3 years. How much more can they cut and still be relevant?  Something has got to change.

Associations were not built for speed in decision-making or technology.  Other than MLS, many members inside and outside the boardrooms are questioning the value of REALTOR membership. Local politics and indecision are not going to get it done anymore.

“In this climate, it seems appropriate that the associations should do what REALTORS do every day in their businesses; cooperate with each other in pursuit of mutually beneficial outcomes”, says Karl Berron, CEO of Indiana Association of REALTORS

Through the Cooperative Roadmap Program, these thirty leading associations in South Carolina and Indiana are demonstrating what is possible when the state and locals band together to serve the members’ best interests.  The “Co-op Program” is a 100 day initiative that will deliver the best tools at the lowest costs through shared contracts in at least the following service areas:

  • Showing Services
  • Lockboxes
  • Membership databases
  • Mobile apps
  • Shared tax data across the states
  • MLS data and technology sharing for some
  • Non-dues revenue opportunities

Our charge is to deliver solutions which are only possible when the leading associations and MLSs work together toward common goals and outcomes and deliver incredible member value.

We hope you will follow along with us to monitor our progress and success over the next 100 days.

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