Brian Larson and Kevin McQueen are very excited to introduce a new program. We call it
Effective MLS Market Solutions or EMMS for short.

The Effective MLS Market Solutions program will help MLS organizations by providing them with objective market analysis and identifying options for them to deliver more effective services to their brokers.  At the conclusion of the EMMS program, you’ll meet with our independent consultants and receive an MLS Market Report laying out the results.

This is a fresh new approach to addressing the challenges that many MLSs and their customers face in their markets.  We will gather and measure data provided by the MLSs and survey and interview brokers to understand their business objectives and identify “pain points” in the current environment.

We sought funding from NAR for the program to eliminate one common obstacle to progress, namely the cost of engaging skilled advisers.  With NAR’s sponsorship, we can reach more MLSs that want to make a difference and achieve measurable improvements much more quickly.  NAR is not seeking active involvement in the program.

We have a limited number of program / MLS groups and are actively seeking out only 6 ready markets at this time.  Each market will likely consist of 3 or more MLSs.  The MLSs will be required to share agreed upon information with us, commit to the process and pay a portion of the shared travel expenses for on-site visits by Brian or Kevin.

If you are interested in learning more about EMMS, please read the overview and contact

Brian Larson (612) 442-8661 or Kevin McQueen (248) 374-1045 for more details.

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