Kevin McQueen, President of Focus Forward and Aldy Keene, founder of the Loyalty Research Center (LRC), have developed a REALTOR® Association Performance, Improvement & Deployment solution designed to strengthen the relationship between REALTOR® Associations and their members. The solution starts by measuring member satisfaction and loyalty and includes action-planning and deployment based on the research study findings. This is an excellent way to begin your upcoming planning sessions this year.

We understand that consumer and member expectations are constantly increasing and that’s why Focus Forward and the Loyalty Research Center have joined forces to offer this timely and unique solution that will ensure REALTOR® Associations benefit through quicker results and improvements that can be measured. What could be more important in this economy and highly competitive real estate market?

Since 1997, the Loyalty Research Center has worked with REALTOR® Associations to improve performance and strengthen member relationships. LRC designs REALTOR® Association research studies that determine REALTOR® loyalty and identifies the problems and issues that can undermine loyalty and satisfaction

Kevin McQueen, President of Focus Forward, provides professional consulting services to Associations, MLSs, Vendors and Brokerages. He brings more than 28 years of hands-on leadership experience as an MLS vendor, CEO of the largest regional MLS in Michigan (Realcomp), President and CEO of a software firm and as a trusted industry advisor & independent management consultant to more than 300 organizations.

Kevin McQueen and the Loyalty Research Center look forward to working together with you and other REALTOR® Associations to improve association performance, reduce member losses and grow by knowing more about what your members want and need to succeed.

Watch for our upcoming announcement about the National REALTOR® Association Benchmark Study to show you how you stack up with others.

Please contact either of us to discuss your questions and your needs. It doesn’t cost anything to talk.

Kevin McQueen (248) 374-1045

Andy Keene (317) 466-5043

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