I’m flying to Washington state right now to work with a great group of leaders who want to explore what is possible when they share a common vision and move the agenda forward.  They are focused on creating something bigger and better for inland northwest REALTOR associations and their collective members.  This could be big, similar to the efforts which are well underway in Indiana and Michigan.

Update on Indiana — I’m pleased to announce that 12 Founder Boards have joined the Indiana Regional MLS, representing about 5,000 REALTORS from across the state.  One frequent question I am hearing more and more – is it possible to create a co-operative when the boards are not contiguous.  The answer is YES.  Please continue to monitor our progress in multiple states as forward-thinking leaders move to action.  Papers have been filed in Michigan and Indiana.  The brand new Indiana Regional MLS Board of Directors will meet in Indianapolis on September 19.  REALTOR associations are now demonstrating what is possible when  like-minded leaders focus on the desired result — a bigger and better MLS for their collective members. It’s time to move to action and stop the excuses.

Pat Williams, IAR 2011 President said

Let’s work on those things we can control, not use things we can’t control as an excuse to not take action. Our goal should be to partner with REALTORS® and fellow associations throughout Indiana to be as strong as we can possibly be.

Our threats don’t include other REALTORS® in Indiana-our interests are the same. Our true threats, though we can’t define them precisely, will come from outside the industry. Wouldn’t you rather face those threats together?

Finally, let’s be honest. These issues are hard. It’s not just a question of bottom line numbers. It’s also a question of whether we can build the trust necessary to take collective action. Our competitors are hoping we aren’t successful. They’re hoping we remain fragmented.

Let’s disappoint them.

Thank you to Pat Williams and so many other strong leaders everywhere who have concluded that staying the current course  (the status quo) is not their best survival strategy.  I get to see the progress first-hand.  We now know how to do this.  It’s working.  It’s growing. Can you feel it?

I’ll update you on the next series of outcomes based on our meeting tomorrow with leaders from several REALTOR(r) associations from Washington and Idaho. These are very exciting times to be a REALTOR with a leading association or MLS.

The Northern Great Lakes REALTORS MLSs is another good example of what the future of MLS will look like.

What are you doing to prepare for your future and deliver the best services available today?  Inquiring minds want to know.  Feel free to share and comment about your success or work-in-progress below.  Together, we can learn more.


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