Learn How To Do More With Less and Balance Your Budget

We’ve been talking about the first two steps of the MLS Roadmap to Success the last couple of weeks and this third step is critical to thriving right now.  If your goal is to do more for your members with less, balance your budget and avoid future cuts, you must take the most direct route. Similar to the GPS, there are alternative routes you can take to get to your destination and some are faster than others. With this third step, you will be setting up your GPS preferences for the most direct route to your success.

Most associations and MLSs have been experiencing declines in membership and revenues and the forecast does not look much different for 2011. Every week we hear stories from large and small executives and board members.  Balancing the budget is keeping many executives up at night.  But there are things you can do to make your MLS more financially stable.  This step requires looking at all options available and the industry’s best ideas on reducing costs and generating non-dues revenue while also providing even greater service to your members. Consider how you would answer the following questions:

–       Are you getting the best prices from your vendors? How about service levels?

–       Do you offer your members all of the best available tools and technology?  Are you truly “open for business”?

–       Have you explored all possibilities for working together with others to increase your power?

–       What are the best ideas for increased non-dues revenue?  How much business development are you doing now?

Having limited resources can be very stressful.  Implementing some new ideas can result in doing more with less and reducing the tension in the board room. Are you considering all available options, or is your GPS currently taking you and your organization on the back roads?

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