Learn How To Communicate Your Value Proposition To Members

From the previous steps, you know how you measure up with your competition and what your members value and need most from you right now. In this fourth step, we will make a stop, to refuel so to speak. Now is the right time to tell your members how you measure up with others in the industry; what you are offering them and what you are DOING for them. Many say, “Our members don’t read!” Let’s think about what it is that you have been telling them (to which they aren’t paying attention). Does the information you share with them connect with making it easier for them to do their job, do more business and make more money? What would happen if you told them:

– What you do for them in comparison to others in your market versus industry benchmarks
– That MLS is a very cost-effective business service in measurable and relevant terms
– That you are continuously exploring new / improved services, possible because you work together with others
– What actions you have taken to reduce expenses and increase non-dues revenue to keep their fees down
– What you have learned from their (survey) feedback and what you are doing about it – follow-up is key

If you don’t tell them about your competitive advantages, how are they going to find out? When they know, you will begin to see the following results:

• Happy members who appreciate your services and gladly pay dues because they know your value
• Less tension between leadership, members and staff so you can do more for your members
• Improved employee morale – happy customers cause less stress
• Fewer member complaints and time spent dealing with problems
• Improved customer satisfaction; retention and growth are possible.

By completing this and the previous steps of the MLS Roadmap to Success, you have sound information to communicate with your members. You provide a more meaningful, positive message about your value proposition and competitive advantages. They will listen (and read). To your members, you are their “GPS voice”. They want to know where you are, where you are headed and what is in it for them. You will have check points along the way and it’s important to continually measure and report on your progress. This is all part of your own unique roadmap to success.

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