Governance – How to Make it Work Better

Does your current decision-making structure and governance ensure your future success?

How can you arrive at your destination if you don’t have reliable transportation to support your journey and roadmap? Does your organization need a tune-up? This fifth step to your “Roadmap to Success” deals with improving your governance and structure to allow your leadership to do what they need to do when they need to do it.

Technology is advancing at a very fast pace. You and your leadership need to be nimble to make the right decisions faster. With a GPS, if you miss a turn or need to detour, the system will recalculate your route. With your roadmap, you and your leadership can recalculate when an adjustment is needed due to shifts in the industry. Some would say there are many big shifts taking place right now. You need to be able to make adjustments at the right time or you could find yourself lost and behind the times.

In this crucial step, you will leverage all of the valuable information that’s been collected in the previous four steps. Your leadership and staff will be educated on how you measure up to your competition, what your directors’ priorities are, what your members need and want, and what to do about declining revenue and rising costs. This step involves meeting with an industry expert as a team to learn how to use this vital information to create your own roadmap to success. During this meeting you will discuss the following:

– Priorities for the coming year based on your current position compared to industry benchmarks
– Best practices in the industry being used to survive and thrive during the big shift
– Specific opportunities to be of greater service to the members
– Possibilities of working together with other organizations to increase buying power
– Learn how leadership and staff can make better, faster decisions and permanently tune-up your governance
– Ideas for attaining the right people on your board to attain fair representation of your membership
– How to be more transparent with your membership to increase your relevancy with them

By discussing and brainstorming these areas, you begin your journey. Leadership can make better and faster decisions when they have all the information at their fingertips. They won’t be guessing which direction to go because clear and accurate information points them in exactly the right direction, allowing them to make right decisions. This step requires the commitment of leadership and key staff to move forward. The answers and ideas they foster in this step represent the turn-by-turn directions in developing the “Roadmap to Success”.

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