Take Action.

Now that you have your roadmap to success, which was custom made for you to get from your current location to your successful destination, your next step is to take action. The best directions in the world will not get you anywhere unless you step on the gas pedal. Take action, be proactive and get moving. You have done the work to know where you are starting and where you want to end up. Now is the time to do something to get moving forward.

So many organizations plan and strategize only to check the activity off their to-do list. So they end up with a nice report that sits on the shelf. The best plans in the world do nothing by themselves. You need to take action. Your “roadmap” will have determined your champions for each item and the steps that need to be taken. The champions are passionate about the BIG OUTCOMES and they are accountable and responsible. As a Board of Directors, your job is to get updates on those actions at your monthly meetings. Is everyone doing what he or she is supposed to be doing? How are you tracking your journey to success?

Sometimes, as you are moving in a particular direction, you will find a roadblock or a detour causes you to move slightly off course. Don’t let this stop you from moving ahead. Even a move in the wrong direction is better that not moving at all, as the GPS can always recalculate and get you back on track to your destination. Just keep moving forward.

Your future will be here whether you do anything or not. Another year will go by whether you take action or not. The industry will continue to evolve whether you evolve with it or not. Why wouldn’t you want to have a part in creating your own future? Taking action helps you bring your organization to a future you helped create. Don’t be a victim of the circumstances around you by being reactive to the big shifts taking place right now. Proactively follow the steps we have outlined in your roadmap and start experiencing your success.

The future is yours to shape if you choose to take action and keep moving forward.

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