
You’ve been moving, you’ve been taking action and now you think you have arrived. How will you know you have arrived at a successful destination? Step 7 involves reassessing and re-measuring your past performance. It’s been nine to twelve months since you started your journey and now is the time to reassess. Did you do what you set out to do or did you get stuck along the way?

Let’s face it. There are a lot of moving parts in our industry right now. Change is occurring at a very fast pace. It’s easy to think you have been on a particular course only to find out that some big detour got you off track and stopped you from moving forward. Only when we re-measure your current situation do we know for sure that we arrived at the location we aimed for a year ago.

Or maybe, with all the change, another detour or direction became necessary. While our GPS knows to direct us to a certain location, it doesn’t know when our destination has a new address unless we program it. Given the big shifts taking place in the industry, success can look different now than what you thought a year ago. This step is about reassessing the situation and finding out from your members, your leadership, shareholders and staff how you are doing. Are you still meeting the needs of your customers? What new products or services could you be providing? Have you been keeping up with the changes in our fast paced industry?

Do you think we are circling back to the beginning? Well you are right! The road to success never ends. It’s a journey and it’s evolving continuously. While a roadmap is essential to getting to success, the target destination is changing all the time. As you know, GPS roadmaps require updates every so often as there are new roads and developments.

The next step on your journey to success involves staying in the know and updating or revising your vision. You can reach your destination but you must keep reassessing to achieve the new level of success for yourself and your organization.

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