… some challenges and successes relating to digital music and parallels between the music and real estate industries.  Mike Masnick will speak about this at Inman Data Summit January 25 – 26.

For instance, as consumers now have ever more real estate-related information at their fingertips from both third-party and industry sites, the role of the real estate professional has shifted from gatekeeper of information to enabler, Masnick said.

“There is still a role for middlemen to (help consumers) understand the process and the pitfalls and the best practices (of real estate), but their role is no longer as a gatekeeper,” he said.

One way real estate professionals can adapt is to change the way they look at the market and what they can do to make the consumer experience better, Masnick added.

Read more from Inman News

Hope you can join us at the Inman Data Summit next week!

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